Alluring Mystical Dog Names of Places and Artifacts
Mystical dog names is a diverse, often unique and inspiring catalog. Many of us limit our choices to only well-known deities and other mythological creatures but in truth there is so much more!
From artifacts like the lost sword Masamune to the great city of Earth's core Agartha, there is certainly no lack of resources for inspiration!
For mystical dog names inspired by:
Cities and locations of legend
Artifacts of legend
Cities and places of legends - Great choices for mystical dog names
- Arcadia - In Greek mythology, Arcadia was the domain of Pan, the god of forest and his court of spiritual entities.
- Agartha - A legendary kingdom said to be located in the Earth's core.
- Asgard - City of gods built by Odin in Norse mythology. Great sounding with a cool lore make this a great choice for mystical dog names.
- Avalon - The legendary island of Apples where King Arthur's sword, Excalibur was forged. It's also said to be his final resting place.
- Alfheim - Land of elves in Norse mythology.
- Atlantis - The lost continent that had supposedly sunk into the Atlantic Ocean.
- Aaru - Paradise for the afterlife rule by the Egyptian god Osiris.
- Ascalon - Used in a number of depictions for various video games ranging from great cities to legendary weapons. Click here to see the full list.
- Baltia - An island of amber somewhere in northern Europe.
- Biringan - The mystical Biringan city is invisible to outsiders. It is said to be located in the province of Samar, Philippines.
- Brasil - A mythical island of west Ireland.
- Brittia - A mythical island off the coast of Austrasia.
- Bifrost - The rainbow bridge connecting Midgar (human world) and Asgard, the realm of gods.
- Bevelle - The capital city in the video game, Final Fantasy 10.
- Camelot - Castle of King Arthur.
- Caesars - The mystical City of Caesars in South American is said to be located between a mountain of gold and a mountain of diamonds!
- Cleyra - A small town located in the crown of a giant tree in the video game Final Fantasy 9.
- Collinsport - A Gothic fictional town set in the television series and movie of the same name, Dark Shadows.
- Columbia - A fictional city set high among the clouds in the video game, Bioshock Infinite.
- Croak - A town full of Grim Reapers set in the novel series of the same name, Croak.
- D'ni - Ancient underground city set in the video game franchise, Myst.
- Dale - City of men from J.R.R. Tolkien's story, The Hobbit.
- Derry - Fictional town from Stephen King's novel and movie adaptation, It.
- Darnassus - Capital city of the Night Elves in World of Warcraft video game.
- Diaspar - The enclosed city of Diaspar feature in the sci-fi novel, The City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clarke.
- Diomira - The invisible town feature in the Italian novel, Le città invisibili.
- Dunwich - A fictional town from H.P. Lovecraft's short story, The Dunwich Horror.
- Eden - The garden of God. A beautiful choice for mystical dog names.
- Elysium - The Elysium Fields is the final resting place for heroic souls according to Greek mythology.
- Endor - A forest planet in Star Wars.
- Entrana - The holy island feature in the video game, RuneScape.
- Ember - From the novel The City of Ember.
- Genua - City set in the fantasy comic book series of Discworld
- Greyhawk - A Dungeons & Dragons world setting of the same name.
- Grimeworth - A fictional Yorkshire inspired coal mining village inhabited by (fittingly) dog-like creatures from the children's book series 'The Woofits'.
- Hel - Underworld in Norse mythology.
- Hyperborea - A supposedly land of perfection in Greek mythology where the sun shines 24/7.
- Haven - Underground faerie city in Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series
- Hobbiton - Town located in the central of Shrine in Lord of the Rings.
- Hogsmeade - The wizardry village in the Harry Potter books.
- Hyrule - Kingdom from The Legend of Zelda video game series.
- Ironforge - Dwarven city in World of Warcraft video game.
- Jotunheim - Land of Giants in Norse mythology.
- Jidoor - A city featured in Final Fantasy 6
- Kunlun - A mountain where Immortals reside according to Chinese mythology.
- Kvenland - An unknown location mentioned in several medieval texts and Norse mythology.
- Kadath - Ancient city to a race of other-worldly beings known as the 'Great Ones' in H.P. Lovecraft's novella.
- Katolis - The Kingdom of Katolis featured in the fantasy animated series, The Dragon Prince.
- Keystone - Keystone city is home to the DC super hero, The Flash.
- Lemuria - A hypothetical lost continent located in either the Indian or The Pacific Ocean.
- Luskan - A fantasy town from the video game Neverwinter Nights.
- Mictlan - Underworld of Aztec Mythology.
- Mu - Legendary lost continent that allegedly vanished at the dawn of human history.
- Muspell - Land of fire in Norse mythology.
- Masada - Secret mountain town of The Grail from the comic book series Preacher.
- Mercier - Fictional city set in Louisiana from the movie Vampire Bats.
- Midgar - Huge New York inspired city from the video game, Final Fantasy 7.
- Nibiru - A mystical planet described by the Babylonians.
- Niflheim - World of cold in Norse mythology.
- Nirvana - In Buddhist context, a tranquil state of non-self and emptiness.
- Nysa - A beautiful valley full of nymphs in Greek mythology.
- Omashu - City in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
- Oto - Oto island is a fishing village in Japan and birthplace of the King of The Monsters, Godzilla.
- Onett - Hometown of the main character in the video game Earthbound.
- Parime - Lake Parime is an enormous lake in South America, supposedly the site of the fabled city El Dorado.
- Passdale - Fictional small town of the main character in The Bellringer.
- Paititi - A legendary Inca lost city allegedly lies east of the Andes.
- Pohjola - Mystical location in Finnish mythology.
- Quivira - One of the seven legendary lost cities of gold.
- Ravnica - Worldwide cityscape in Magic: The Gathering.
- Rivendell - Elvish headquarters in The Lord of the Rings.
- Shambhala - A kingdom of Tibetan Buddhism tradition hidden somewhere in the Himalayan.
- Shangri-La - A mystical valley located in the Kunlun mountains of China.
- Summerland - Astral plane of the afterlife depicted from Theosophy religion.
- Svarga - A celestial realm of bliss in Hinduism.
- Seacouver - The city where most of the immortals reside in The Highlanders: The Series.
- Shire - Homeland of the Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings.
- Smallville - Childhood hometown of Superman.
- Solace - Home of the Heroes of the Lance in the Dragonlance role-playing book series. Great choice for mystical dog names with a cool fictional lore and a fitting word to describe one of the positive emotions of having a dog.
- Stormwind - Alliance capital city in the MMORPG, World of Warcraft.
- Sunnydale - Also known as Valley of the Sun is a small California inspired town in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
- Tartarus - Dungeon of the afterlife in Greek mythology.
- Themiscyra - Capital city of the Amazons according to Greek mythology.
- Tashbaan - Capital of the fictional land of Calormen in The Chronicles of Narnia.
- Takachiho - Location of the legendary cave where the Sun goddess Amatarasu hid herself according to the Japanese religion of Shinto.
- Taverly - Small town populated by druids in the video game Runescape.
- Tristram - A town of great significance to the story of video game series, Diablo.
- Ulthar - Town that lawfully forbids the killing of cats in H.P. Lovecraft's early work, The Cats of Ulthar.
- Veritca - The inverted city from the comic book series, Terra Obscura.
- Westernesse - Fictional kingdom from the romance novel, King Horn.
- Winterfell - Kingdom in the far north from the high fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).
- Wolfjaw - Indian territory from the novel, War of the Worlds.
- Yomi - Land of the dead according to the Japanese Shinto mythology.
- Ys - Mythical city on the coast of Brittany that was swallowed by the ocean.
- Zanaris - City in the video game, RuneScape.
- Zanarkand - City ruins in Final Fantasy 10.
- Zozo - Town of constant downpour in Final Fantasy 6.
Legendary artifacts as mystical dog names
- Aegis - Legendary shield of the Greek god, Zeus.
- Alicorn - Detached horn of a Unicorn said to have healing properties.
- Atet - Legendary ship of the Egyptian Sun god, Ra.
- Agimat - Filipino word for "charm" or "amulet".
- Adder - Adder stones are said to have magical properties against various aliments according to Welsh mythology.
- Argo - The mythical ship sailed by Jason and the Argonauts on their quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece.
- Ashvattha - The sacred tree in Hindu mythology.
- Ambrosia - Food or drinks of the gods in Greek mythology that grants longevity or immortality.
- Amrita - The drink of the gods that grants immortality in Hindu mythology.
- Aether - The essence that the gods breathe in Greek mythology.
- Ayamur - One of the two clubs, the other being Yagrush, were used by Baal to defeat Yam according to Phoenician mythology. Great mystical dog names if you happened to adopt a pair!
- Adament - Any especially hard substance compose of either gemstones or metals.
- Azoth - Universal medication sought through alchemy in medieval legend.
- Balmung - Sword in Germanic mythology wielded by the legendary hero, Siegfried.
- Bident - A two-pronged implement that resembled a pitch-fork. This weapon is closely associated with Hades, ruler of the Underworld.
- Brahmastra - A variety of weapons of untold power that create fireballs that could leveled mountains and vaporize oceans.
- Bezoar - A stone believed to provide an antidote to any poison.
- Benben - Sacred mound which the creator god Atum settled according to Egyptian mythology.
- Bangu - The sacred bell gifted by Saint David in Glasgwm church.
- Caladbolg - Fabled sword of Fergus mac Roich that was powerful enough to slice through Hill-tops according to Welsh mythology.
- Curtana - also known as Sword of Mercy. This ceremonial sword is used at the coronation of kings and queens and considered to be one of the crown jewels of UK.
- Colada - One of the two swords of Spanish folk-hero and national icon, El Cid.
- Carnwennan - Dagger of King Arthur with the magical property of bestowing invisibility upon its wielder.
- Cintamani - Wish-fulfilling stone in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. It is the equivalent to the western Philosopher's stone.
- Confederate - The Confederate gold were hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War.
- Caer Sidi - A otherworldly fortress mentioned in Welsh mythology poems.
- Dyrnwyn - Legendary sword that sets it's blade ablaze if drawn by a worthy man.
- Durendal - Sword of Roland, the legendary Paladin of Charlemagne.
- Death's scythe - Large scythe wield by the Grim Reaper.
- Draupnir - Gold ring of Norse god, Odin with the ability to multiply itself.
- Draconite - Gemstone of magical properties taken from the head of a dragon.
- Dromi - one of the chain binding Fenrir, a monstrous wolf in Norse myth.
- Djed - Pillar-like symbol of ancient Egypt that stands for 'stability'.
- Excalibur - Legendary sword of King Arthur. Nothing quite like calling the famous sword to your side! A great choice for mystical dog names.
- Ellida - Magical dragon ship of the Vikings gift by Aegir.
- Eitr - A liquid substance which all living things originate (Norse myth).
- Elixir - Elixir of life is a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal youth. Perfect length, easy to pronounce and a great backstory makes for a worthy consideration for mystical dog names.
- Fragarach - Sword forge by gods of Irish mythology, No armor could withstand it and it would also grant it's wielder the power of wind.
- Friggerock - The constellation in Orion located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world.
- Goswhit - Helmet of King Arthur. Almost every piece of King Arthur's armor seems to be great choices for mystical dog names.
- Grail - A crack holy sword which Sir Percival manage to bond back together.
- Gram - The fabled sword that Odin struck into the world tree, Barnstokkr in Norse mythology.
- Girish - Sword of Shiva, Hindu mythology.
- Gada - The mace of Hindu god, Hanuman.
- Gungnir - Spear of Odin forge by a group of dwarfs known as Sons of Ivaldi.
- Glasir - A tree or grove in Norse mythology that was known for it's beauty both among gods and men alike.
- Galatea - The ivory statue that comes to life in Greek mythology.
- Halo - A crown of light rays, circle or disk of light that surrounds a person in art. It is iconic in many religions in depicting sacred or holy figures.
- Hrunting - Name of the sword given to Beowulf by Unferth.
- Hrotti - Sword that is part of Fafnir's treasure.
- Harpe - An adamantine sword used by the hero Perseus to decapitate Medusa in Greek mythology.
- Houken - A metaphorical sword Buddhist sword used to cut away earthly desires.
- Hagoromo - Brightly colored and feathered kimonos of spiritual beings known as Tennin that enable them to fly (Japanese mythology).
- Hennu - Boat of the Egyptian god, Seker.
- Halahala - Poison created from the sea by gods and demons of Hindu mythology.
- Hlidskjalf - High throne of the Norse god Odin that allows him to see into all realms.
- Imhullu - Divine wind weapon used by the Assyrian sky god, Marduk.
- Ichor - Ethereal golden fluid of blood of gods (Greek mythology).
- Ikenga - A statue of Igbo mythology that bestow its owner with super strength.
- Jaivardhan - The shield of Lord Vishnu and Shiva (Hindu mythology).
- Joyeuse - Legendary sword wielded by King of Western Europe, Charlemagne. The name is derived from the word 'Joy'. A great backstory and value to live by, perfect consideration for mystical dog names.
- Khetaka - Shield of Shamba from Hindu mythology.
- Kladenets - The fabled sword in Russian fairy tales. Also known as "The self-swinging sword".
- Kunwu - Sword of the Chinese emperor. Majestic choice for mystical dog names!
- Khanda - Double-edge sword of the Indian subcontinent and a common weapon in Indian martial arts.
- Kongo - A trident-shaped staff of light, wisdom and insight of the Japanese mountain god, Koya-no-Myojin.
- Karun - The Karun treasure said to belong to King Croesus in Persian myth.
- Kantele - A magical harp in Finnish mythology which music draws animals near to wonder its beauty.
- Kibisis - Sack which the hero, Persues carried the severed head of Medusa (Greek myth).
- Laevateinn - Fabled sword forged by the elf, Volundr in Norse mythology.
- Ligurium - Mystical gemstone formed of the solidified urine of Lynx.
- Laedingr - Chain forged by the Norse god to bind Fenrir.
- Libra - Weighing scales held by Astraea, the goddess of justice in Roman mythology.
- Mimung - A great sword forged by the legendary black smith Wayland the Smith in Germanic mythology.
- Mjolnir - Hammer of the Norse god, Thor. Famously known for returning to the hands of the god wherever he is. That alone make this worthy of mystical dog names of choice. Imagine playing Fetch with Mjolnir!
- Megingjoro - This legendary belt of power is one of Thor's three main possessions. When worn, it doubles Thor's already incredible strength.
- Matet - One of the first boats used by Ra, the Sun god of Egypt.
- Modun - World tree in Mongolian mythology.
- Manna - an edible substance provided by God for the Israelites during their travels in the desert.
- Miasma - in Greek mythology, Miasma is described as a contagious power associate with acts of violence from people. While certainly edgy for a backstory, the length, uniqueness and ease of pronunciation make for great mystical dog names consideration.
- Nehushtan - A bronze staff made by Moses that heals anyone who looks upon it.
- Nihongo - One of the three legendary Japanese spears.
- Nabrok - A pair of pants associated with Icelandic witchcraft said capable of producing endless amount of money.
- Navaratna - Also know as 'Ratnas' are the sacred nine "Royal Gems" in Hindu mythology.
- Neshmet - Vessel of the Egyptian god Nun.
- Naglfar - Boat made entirely of fingernails and toenails in Norse mythology. It is said to set sail in the event of Ragnorok.
- Nidhi - Treasure consisting of nine precious objects in Hindu mythology.
- Nebu - The Egyptian symbol for Gold. While not limited to, this is a great option for mystical dog names for your blond or golden haired companion!
- Nanteos - The Nanteos cup from Christian mythology is a wooden mazer bowl that heals whoever drinks from it.
- Orna - In Irish mythology, Orna was the sword of Tethra, god of darkness and king of the dead. If you like a little edge in your mystical dog names, this should be up your alley.
- Otegine - One of the three legendary Japanese spear.
- Omphalos - A stone artifact and a powerful religious symbol in Greek mythology.
- Olifant - Horn of Roland, the paladin in the Song of Roland. It is supposedly a unicorn's horn.
- Obelisk - A tall four-sided, narrow tapering monument that symbolized the Egyptian god of the Sun, Ra.
- Pridwen - Shield of King Arthur. Good length and distinct syllabus pronunciation already make this mystical dog names worthy. There is also something so right about its backstory as the protection armor piece of the legendary King.
- Pasha - Loosely translate to "noose" or "lasso". It is a supernatural weapon depicted in Hindu mythology.
- Petasos - Winged hat of the messenger god Hermes of Greek mythology.
- Panacea - A remedy that would cure all diseases and grant immortality.
- Prana - Cosmic energy permeating the Universe according to Hindu mythology.
- Palladium - A wooden statue that fell from the sky in Greek mythology.
- Ruyi - A curved scepter that serves as a ceremonial piece and a symbol of power and good fortune in Chinese folklore.
- Raskovnik - A magical herd in Slavic mythology that can unlock and uncover anything that is hidden or locked.
- Ryugu-jo - Undersea palace of the Dragon god in Japanese mythology.
- Rati - A drill that Odin used during his quest to obtain the mead of poetry in Norse mythology.
- Svalinn - A shield in Norse mythology that stands before the Sun and protects Earth from burning up.
- Sauvagine - Second of the magical sword of Ogier the Dane in French myth.
- Sharanga - Legendary bow of the Hindu god Vishnu.
- Sagitta - Latin name for arrow, a dim but distinctive constellation in the northern sky.
- Silverpilen - Swedish nickname for the urban legend ghost train, " Silver Bullet".
- Sarira - Generic terms referring to Buddhist relics.
- Shamrock - Plant deem sacred by ancient druids in Irish mythology.
- Sanjeevani - Magical herb that could revive a dead person (Hindu mythology).
- Sefirot - Tree of life in Jewish mythology.
- Soma - A ritual drink in Vedic tradition extracted from a plant of the same name.
- Silla - Spirit of the sky, wind and the weather in Inuit mythology.
- Shankha - A conch shell and sacred emblem of the Hindu preserver god, Vishnu.
- Sampo - Magical artifact that is said to bring good fortune to its owner according to Finnish mythology.

- Tyfing - Magic sword in Norse mythology that would never rust, miss a stroke and the ability to slice through stone and iron easily.
- Tonbokiri - One of the three legendary Japanese spears.
- Trishula - Trident of Hindu god, Shiva. Considered to be the most powerful weapon.
- Talaria - Hermes's winged sandals which allowed him to fly. (Greek mythology)
- Torii - Torii gate are iconic symbol of the Japanese Shinto religion.
- Talos - In Greek mythology. Talos was a giant automaton made of bronze to protect Europa from pirates and invaders. The length, backstory and meaning make this a great mystical dog names choice.
- Vijaya - Divine bow of great warrior Lord Parshurama of Hindu mythology.
- Verbena - A plant associated with divinity. It was also called " Tears of Isis" in ancient Egypt.
- Wolfssegen - A charm against wolves according to European folklore.
- Xirang - A magical substance in Chinese mythology that had the ability of self-expand and self-growth.
- Yagrush - One of the two clubs, the other being Ayamur, were used by Baal to defeat Yam according to Phoenician mythology. Great mystical dog names if you happened to adopt a pair!
- Yggdrasil - Legendary world tree in Norse mythology.
- Yliaster - The formless base of all matter which is the raw material for alchemy in medieval legend.
- Zulfiqar - Sword sent from Heavens by archangel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad in Islamic mythology.
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